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AI market research software for transforming words into audience insights

Relative Insight

Quantify your voice of the customer data

Our powerful text analytics platform helps market researchers efficiently generate insight from voice of the customer data by putting a number around what people are saying.

Track changes in consumer behavior, opinions and sentiment

Visualize trends, changes and patterns in consumer attitudes on a particular topic, brand or product with Heartbeat charts. Uncover the detail behind shifts with just a couple of clicks.

Monitor the competitive landscape

Keep a pulse on the competitive landscape, refine your brand positioning, identify growth opportunities and fend off emerging threats by analyzing competitor reviews.

Market research use cases

Consumer trends

Consumer trends

Track shifting consumer preferences

Campaign effectiveness

Campaign effectiveness

Quantify the impact of marketing campaigns

Localization strategy

Localization strategy

Pinpoint differences across geographic markets

Product development

Product development

Identify unmet consumer needs

Competitor benchmarking

Competitor benchmarking

Efficiently reveal points of differentiation

Communications strategy

Communications strategy

Speak to audiences using their own words

Market research FAQs

Can Relative Insight analyze focus groups and online communities?

Yes! When we say we analyze ALL types of text data, we mean it. If you have questions about a particular data source, book a call with one of our data experts.

How do you analyze open-ended market research survey responses?

You don’t! Our text analytics platform does it for you. All you have to do is upload your data files and Relative Insight will quantify your qualitative data, providing you with an overview of the most common words, topics, phrases and emotions. Want to dive deeper?  Use the platform to segment and compare your data sets in line with aspects, such as purchasing behavior or demographics.

Accelerate your market research